
    Your business in the cloud

    In one subscription.
    • Data security
    • Access important files from anywhere in the world
    • Ability to create secure backups
    • Migration of the entire email environment to Microsoft servers
    • Increased operational efficiency

    Contact your employees and customers at your convenience

    The cloud solution for businesses is gaining popularity. The functionality that the cloud offers for a small business or a large corporation is invaluable. Storing files in a cloud infrastructure can definitely streamline work and increase efficiency. The cloud for business is the future, and it’s worth preparing for today. IT care for business / IT service Warsaw will guarantee you full support in taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the cloud for business.

    Want to operate securely and effectively? Explore our cloud offerings for businesses and other Secure Business” products.

    Cloud for business is a practical solution that allows you to access important files from anywhere in the world. Storing files in the cloud for business can definitely streamline your work and increase your efficiency. Take advantage of moving your business by creating a cloud server now .

    With the help of Microsoft 365, you will create a cloud domain environment to suit any type of business. The cloud mail service includes setting up a personalized business-class domain. Depending on your needs, you can choose a unique domain name, but there is also the option of using a standard Microsoft address. Microsoft 365 in the cloud for business allows you to migrate your entire email environment to Microsoft servers. The important thing is that you don’t have to create the communication structure from scratch. Messages, rules or created folders, along with the entire contents of the mailbox, go to the Exchange Online service. Data migration is carried out in a non-intrusive manner, and thus does not disrupt the company’s processes. A cloud mail system is a modern solution that allows you to conduct all your email communication activities in one place. Cloud mail is the next step in the development of your business.

    The advantage of Microsoft 365 is the simple and quick configuration of the environment, so you will be back to work on projects in no time A company in the cloud is a series of tools that improve communication between employees and make it easier to complete tasks.

    With Microsoft 365, you’re always in touch

    You have access to email, shared calendars, contacts from anywhere in the world.

    Online conferences

    Online conferences

    File sharing

    Unlimited number of users

    Cloud for business – easy access to office applications

    Microsoft 365 is the virtual equivalent of Microsoft Office and one of the key cloud-based tools for businesses. It includes Office applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Access and Publisher. With its help, you can easily share the files you are working on on the server. Any logged-in employee can save, edit and share company documents, presentations or spreadsheets. Microsoft 365 in the cloud offers the option to work on files together , thanks to SharePoint. Such a solution makes it possible for several users at the same time to team up on a task from anywhere at any time.

    One of the most important features of cloud solutions for small businesses is the ability to create secure backups. Cloud backups allow you to protect your data and files from loss. In addition, cloud drive for business allows quick and seamless access to stored materials from anywhere in the world.

    Available Microsoft 365 applications

    Benefit from IT care as part of your subscription.






    Access (PCs only)

    Internal communication in the cloud

    What is Power BI?

    It’s a complete set of Business Intelligence tools, enabling on-premise and cloud-based data analysis. This tool allows you to visualize and analyze data at all levels of your organization in an intuitive way. With Power BI, data is available in one place regardless of location and time. In addition, using Power BI Mobile, users can also access data from their mobile devices. Power BI allows you to integrate information from various sources, such as any database, files, folders, Azure/AWS/GCP services or web services. The process of creating reports is fast and intuitive, and the scope of reports can be freely customized and shared with other users. Importantly, the Power BI service enables effective teamwork, including commenting on analysis, alerts or subscriptions to reports, setting up data refresh processes and applying changes in real time.
    Step one
    The Business Intelligence platform integrates data from a variety of sources into a common system.
    Step two
    Business intelligence software structures data sets into analytical models or OLAP cubes.
    Step Three
    The Business Intelligence platform automatically performs data mining, allowing trends and anomalies to be detected.
    Step Four
    Business intelligence reporting tools transform discoveries into visualizations, dashboards and reports.
    Step five
    Decision makers use visualizations and dashboards to make business decisions.

    Manage your projects with Project Online Professional

    Organize projects, resources and teams and complete tasks on time with a cloud service for your business.

    Plan efficiently.

    Automated scheduling tools will help you increase operational efficiency and reduce training time. Multiple timelines will make it easier for you to visualize complex schedules.

    Plan efficiently.
    Make decisions wisely.

    Data visualization gives better insight into projects and allows for more informed decisions.


    Make decisions wisely.
    Easy resource management.

    Create project teams, report resource needs and create better schedules.

    Easy resource management.
    More effective cooperation.

    Seamless integration with collaboration tools such as Skype for Business and Yammer. Improve teamwork, resulting in better project outcomes.

    More effective cooperation.

    Share data with your employees

    Sharing and cooperation

    Cloud for Business allows you to share files, folders and photos with friends and family. You no longer need to use large email attachments or flash drives – just send a link by email, in an SMS message, or using iMessage or Facebook.

    Access files from any device

    You can finish the work you started earlier from anywhere on your phone, tablet or computer. Any changes you make will be updated on all devices.

    Offline access

    Work efficiently when you’re not online, which means you can always have your most important files with you

    Ensure the security of your files

    You don’t have to worry about losing files or photos when something happens to your device – they are stored in the OneDrive service. The OneDrive service is encrypted using SSL.

    Advanced features for more efficient and safer operation.

    Files on demand

    Access all OneDrive service files on Windows 10 without taking up space on your computer.

    Document scanning

    Use your phone to scan and store paper documents, confirmations, business cards, or whiteboard notes in OneDrive

    Expiring links

    Microsoft 365 allows you to increase the security of OneDrive by setting an expiration date for links to shared files and photos.

    Protect your data

    Azure Backup – data security

    IT care for businesses includes a range of services to streamline operations even in a small business. Azure Backup is a simple and inexpensive solution that enables cloud backup for businesses and facilitates data recovery. The service gives you a set of trusted local tools and advanced cloud-based tools that are distinguished by a rich selection of features. Azure Backup enables cloud data protection for small businesses as well, regardless of location.

    Cloud tools – available from us

    If you’re looking to increase your business productivity, check out Lemon Pro’s offerings and set up a cloud-based virtual office today!

    The cloud for small business is the future, and it’s available to your business right now. See for yourself how many benefits the cloud for business can bring you. Excellent service, professional support and the highest security standards – all this is guaranteed by our cloud service for business.

    We are partners